






#還有分享過:一定要學泰文嗎? 一個月就能跟泰國人交朋友的泰文速成方法!這4招,幫你快速學好泰文!



不像我一樣生活在泰國,對學習泰語有興趣,身邊沒有泰語環境或泰國老師教你怎麼學泰語,若對先修泰語有興趣,除了我的YouTube channel, where I cover essential workplace Thai expressions. Additionally, I recommend checking out resources I gatheredMy Tips on Learning Thai外,想接觸更完整泰語系統課程/教材,這邊整理如下:

  • Udemy Thai Courses (Taught in English)
  • hyread 泰語學習誌/教材(電子書)*有台灣圖書館證可免費登入閱讀
  • Hahow好學校泰文課(中文授課)- I'm lucky to have Thai teachers and colleagues who help me learn the language. If you don’t have access to a Thai-speaking environment or local friends/teachers, I highly recommend these two well-reviewed courses on Hahow. Thai is relatively easy to pick up, and the content is well-structured. The key is to find a teaching style that suits you best—this applies to learning any language. The teacher’s style makes a huge difference! 😆


#我外派泰國多年 (請見About me), speak Thai, and serve as your local insider guide. Feel free to join my Facebook Page:LiangYu in Thailand - Eight Years as an Expat in Thailand, Firsthand Insights into Thai Life, where we can share experiences about work, life, travel, and business in Thailand.



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