【泰國小吃】道地街邊 泰式特殊小吃體驗2



1. 荷葉海鮮炒飯(45THB)



真的超好吃,上面除了海鮮,還可以要求選料,改成皮蛋、豬肉、香腸等,吃起來還有荷葉香,非常美味!泰國當地逛街吃泰式小吃推薦_泰國料理_foodtour bangkok_荷葉海鮮炒飯  

2. 泰式小捲餅(10THB)

泰國當地逛街吃泰式小吃推薦_泰國料理_foodtour bangkok_泰式小捲餅



3. 砂糖絲捲潤餅(40THB)


砂糖絲有不同口味,有分原味(一般) 、草莓(粉紅) 、綠色(抹茶),吃起來口感非常的特別!

泰國當地逛街吃泰式小吃推薦_泰國料理_foodtour bangkok_砂糖絲捲潤餅 泰國當地逛街吃泰式小吃推薦_泰國料理_foodtour bangkok_砂糖絲捲潤餅2     泰國當地逛街吃泰式小吃推薦_泰國料理_foodtour bangkok_砂糖絲捲潤餅3

#喜歡泰國菜嗎? 我分享的beachside food recommendations in泰國人的正宗泰國打拋豬泰國米其林餐廳, and都在泰國道地美食紀錄區


泰國當地人帶你曼谷逛街吃泰式小吃_泰國料理_foodtour bangkok


KK Day上有曼谷小吃之旅,帶你深入巷仔內吃美食:泰國當地美食導遊 | 搭嘟嘟車吃泰式美食 泰國當地人帶你逛街吃泰式小吃_泰國料理_foodtourthailand
#我外派泰國多年 (請見About me), speak Thai, and serve as your local insider guide. Feel free to join my Facebook Page:LiangYu in Thailand - Eight Years as an Expat in Thailand, Firsthand Insights into Thai Life, where we can share experiences about work, life, travel, and business in Thailand.

#大多預約泰國餐廳、泰國行程、泰國度假公寓,需泰國當地銀行帳號才可預訂,(泰國熱門馬爾地夫風咖啡廳Bubble in the forest cafe、大多大城市外的特色旅宿幾乎沒有線上訂房付款機制,像是北碧Pilok區的住宿…等),需要assistance on booking or order thai goods, please reach out on :Facebook  

Take an Authentic Thai Cooking Class While in Thailand

If you’re reading this, you must love Thai food—sweet, sour, spicy, and packed with that signature fish sauce flavor. Why not learn to cook it yourself? That way, you can enjoy it even after returning home! Plus, it’s a fun and interactive experience. Thai cuisine is absolutely delicious, and taking a cooking class is a great way to make friends and dive into the culture.


Learning to cook Thai dishes means you can whip them up anytime back home. It’s a hands-on, enjoyable experience! This KKDay Thai cooking class is highly rated and popular for good reason. Just pick the class that features the dishes you’re most excited to try. The instructors are passionate, skilled, and clear in their instructions—just check the reviews to see for yourself!

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