Table of Contents
Hua Hin Golf Clubs Over View
來泰國華欣打球的球友常問,華欣這幾間球場離市區酒店車程大約幾分鐘? 是否都在半小時內?華欣球場大約離華欣市中心大多30分鐘內車程,(請參考華欣高爾夫球地區分布圖,如下圖),依地圖就能找到相對您飯店近的華欣球場
*也可以自行在Google Map上搜尋” Hua Hin Golf Club” ,可看到動態泰國華欣高球場地圖
【Preimum】Golf Club in Hua Hin
1. (Preimum) Black Moutain Golf Club Hua Hin_Reviwew 4.5/5
| Website:Black Moutain Golf Club Official Site
| Location:565 Moo7 Nong Hieng Road Hin LekFai Hua Hin District, Prachaubkirikhan 77110, Thailand
| Price:KKDay Black Mountain Golf THB 5,100/pax、Liang Yu Golf Booking Agent Rate
| Golf Architect: Phil Ryan Design
| Golf Course Intro:
【Overview and Design】
Black Mountain Golf Club in Hua Hin is a premier golf destination, boasting a 27-hole championship course ranked among the world’s top 100. Designed by Phil Ryan of Pacific Coast Design, the original 18-hole, par-72 layout (7,420 yards) debuted in 2007, with the West nine added in 2016. Nestled in a picturesque mountain valley near Hua Hin’s royal beach retreat, it weaves natural creeks, rolling fairways, and striking red grass hazards into a layout that’s both challenging and approachable, earning it accolades as an Asian PGA venue.
【Signature Features and Tournament】
The course dazzles with standout holes like the island green on the 4th, the waterfall-framed 11th, and the breathtaking downhill par-five 6th—its signature hole, tempting players to tackle water, sand, and trees. Surrounded by mountains, it blends native landscaping with clever water hazards. In 2015, it hosted the Thailand Classic, co-sanctioned by the Asian and European Tours, cementing its reputation as a world-class spot.
【Experience and Amenities】
Golfers rave about Black Mountain’s slick greens, though the fairways can be a bit patchy. Talented caddies elevate the game with their course know-how, and the stellar layout begs to be walked to fully enjoy the scenery. The clubhouse delivers tasty food, a well-stocked pro shop, and nice locker rooms, though it’s pricier than nearby alternatives. Even so, the clever design and gorgeous views make it a must-play gem on Thailand’s seaside golf scene.
- Booking Rules and Information:
- Check theofficial website for prices. Walk-ins call +66-32-618666.
- 18-hole green fee: Peak season 3,995 THB / Off-season 2,995 THB; caddie 350 THB; cart 750 THB.
- Single-player bookings are allowed on weekdays and holidays but must be paired with other golfers.
- Club rental: 1,500 THB per set, selected and paid on-site at the course counter.
- *Non-golfer/Follower companions: No charge if sharing a cart with a golfer.
- We have signed agent partnership rate with golf courses, offering booking discounts. Feel free to inquire via : FB | Line .
- Check theofficial website for prices. Walk-ins call +66-32-618666.
- Course rating (Compiled fromGoogle Business reviews, golf magazine comments, etc.)
- Condition 4.6/5
- Facilities 4.6/5
- Pace of play 4.3/5
- Service 4.5/5
- Overall4.5/5
- Hua Hin Black Moutain Golf Video Intro:
2. (高級) 華欣 Banyan (改名: Pineapple Valley Golf Club)高爾夫球場_總評4.6/5
| Website:Pineapple Valley Golf Club 波蘿谷高球場 (原名”百揚Banyan”)
| Location:101 หมู่ที่ 9 ซอย หมู่บ้านหัวนาที่ 21, Thap Tai, Hua Hin District, Prachuap Khiri Khan, 77110, Thailand
| Price:KKDay 波蘿谷 5,000銖/人、Liang Yu Golf Booking Agent Rate
| Golf Architect:施密特·柯利(Schmidt Curley) Design
| Golf Course Intro:華欣 Highlands Golf 球場已經被譽為亞洲最佳球場之一 ,於2005 年12 月啟用,是華欣球場當中具有世界級的比賽球場;這個球場風景優美,擊球點視野遼闊,球道起伏有致且富變化,與著名的春城山景球場及觀瀾湖佛度球場是同一位設計師設計,高爾夫球友每一洞都能欣賞到壯麗景色。
華欣 Highlands Golf 球場設有雀稗球道和蒂夫鷹果嶺,為高爾夫球手提供更綠的球道和更快、更穩定的果嶺。沙坑風格是典型施密特-柯利設計,嚴重懲罰錯誤擊球。華欣Highlands Golf 的果嶺通常在 9.5 – 10.5 米間。果嶺堅固而快速,但鐵桿擊球效果良好。許多果嶺遠離球道傾斜,球手必須更加注重擊球策略及當地知識。
- Booking Rules and Information:
- Course rating (Compiled fromGoogle Business reviews, golf magazine comments, etc.)
- Condition 4.5/5
- Facilities 4.2/5
- Pace of play 4.4/5
- Service 4.4/5
- Overall4.4/5
- 華欣Banyan (改名: Pineapple Valley Golf Club)高爾夫球場影片:
3. (高級)華欣 Hua Hin Gassan Legacy 高爾夫球場_總評3.9/5
| Website:Gassan Legacy 高爾夫球場
| Location:位於華欣東部的山麓
| Price:KKDay 尚未與此球場合作、Liang Yu Golf Booking Agent Rate
| Golf Architect:Mr. Pravit Reang-po 設計,泰國知名高爾夫球場設計師
| Golf Course Intro:享受最悠閒的高爾夫挑戰,於 2005 年開始營業,距離機場約 15 分鐘車程並附設設施完善的渡假村,兼具便利性與清幽。自然環境雅致迷人,熱帶花朵盛放於翠綠球場上,盡展泰北華欣的柔美自然。
球道難度偏高,共有 120 個沙坑及人工湖泊遍佈全場,每個洞之間均有障礙阻隔,挑戰球友對放點與揮竿力度的精準控制。
- Booking Rules and Information:
- Course rating (Compiled fromGoogle Business reviews, golf magazine comments, etc.)
- Condition 4.1/5
- Facilities 3.6/5
- Pace of play 4.1/5
- Service 4.0/5
- Overall3.9/5
- 華欣 Hua Hin Gassan Legacy 高爾夫球場影片:
4. (高級) 華欣 Summit Green Valley 高爾夫球場_總評4.1/5
| Website:Summit Green Valley 高爾夫球場
| Location:靠近華欣市中心約20-25分鐘車程
| Price:KKDay 6,161銖/人、Liang Yu Golf Booking Agent Rate
| Golf Architect:施密特·柯利(Schmidt Curley) Design
| Golf Course Intro:華欣Summit Green Valley是一座算早期成立,具挑戰性的世界級低地高爾夫球場,環境優美,場地狀況極佳,位於華欣市中心約20分鐘車程的郊區,靠近市區,容易抵達。
- Booking Rules and Information:
- Course rating (Compiled fromGoogle Business reviews, golf magazine comments, etc.)
- Condition 4.5/5
- Facilities 4.3/5
- Pace of play 4.0/5
- Service 4.3/5
- Overall4.1/5
- 華欣 Hua Hin Summit Green Valley 高爾夫球場影片:
5. (高級) 華欣 Mae Jo Golf 高爾夫球場_總評4.1/5
| Website:Mae Jo Golf 高爾夫球場
| Location:靠近華欣市中心約20-25分鐘車程
| Price:KKDay 4,550銖/人、Liang Yu Golf Booking Agent Rate
| Desginer 設計師:Seni Thirawat Design
| Golf Course Intro:華欣Mae Jo Golf Club in Hua Hin 球場設計獨特,球道蜿蜒穿過茂盛果樹,部分高處發球台可欣賞絕佳景色。幾個球洞呈香蕉形,發球時視線有幾棵樹遮擋,球友來說很是好玩的挑戰,球場環境及美麗花園,一直是球友推崇的。
- Booking Rules and Information:
- Course rating (Compiled fromGoogle Business reviews) /高爾夫球雜誌評論等,綜合整理):
- Condition 4.5/5
- Facilities 4.3/5
- Pace of play 4.0/5
- Service 4.3/5
- Overall4.1/5
- 華欣 Hua Hin Mae Jo Golf 高爾夫球場影片:
6. (高級)華欣Gassan Panorama 嘉山全景高爾夫球場_總評3.5/5
| Website:Gassan Panorama 高爾夫球場
| Location:位於華欣東部的山麓
| Price:KKDay 尚未與此球場合作、Liang Yu Golf Booking Agent Rate
| Golf Architect: 施密特·柯利(Schmidt Curley) 設計
| Golf Course Intro:Gassan集團是華欣最大高爾夫球集團,Gassan Panorama 嘉山全景高爾夫球場是Gassan集團旗下的第三個球場。2017年,Gassan Panorama 嘉山全景高爾夫球場(Gassan Panorama Golf Club)全新開業。球場賽道達7761碼,估計是泰國最長的賽道之一。獨特之處在於,18個洞是圍繞華欣一個大湖而建。
- Booking Rules and Information:
- Course rating (Compiled fromGoogle Business reviews, golf magazine comments, etc.)
- Condition 3.7/5
- Facilities 3.1/5
- Pace of play 3.7/5
- Service 3.4/5
- Overall3.5/5
- Hua Hin Gassan Panorama 華欣嘉山全景高爾夫球場影片:
Q1: 華欣有夜間球場嗎?那些球場可以打晚球?若選18:00後開球,有可能沒桿弟是嗎?晚球能打得完一場嗎?華欣球場幾點打烊?
- 有,Summit Green Valley
- Some courses may have different availability due to staffing or trial periods; sometimes they offer night play, and sometimes they don’t. It’s recommended to check and confirm viaFBfirst.
- 華欣球場若有先有預訂,球場一定會留桿弟,若您是臨時walk in,可能桿弟都下班了
- 球場通常一場抓4小時,如果您們打球的速度正常應該都可以、打比較慢的話就會打不完
- 球場會看當天夜球最晚開球是幾點,抓4小時彈性下班,沒有公告固定幾點打烊
Q2: 華欣高爾夫球場,給桿弟小費大概多少? 在華欣打birdie 要多給小費嗎?
- 每位桿弟的小費一場18洞建議450銖左右,現場給
- 在華欣打birdie不用多給小費,看自己自願即可(球友說之前去越南打birdie,狂被凹小費XD)
Q3: 華欣高球場餐飲能帶外食嗎?華欣可以帶水嗎?華欣打球會免費付1-2張食物或飲料卷嗎?
- 華欣球場通常都有賣餐點,不能帶外食
- 可以自己帶水進去球場,但是不能帶飲料/酒精飲料
- 華欣球場打球是沒有付飲料卷的,(有1-2家華欣球場可以加購食物卷,但也不是免費),裡面大多有餐點可以點,也不貴;雖說不能帶外食,帶能量bar補充一下體力是可以的
Q4: 華欣打球需要包車嗎?1-2人自己叫車,回程會不會沒車?
- 一般2-4人以上華欣打球,選擇10小時包車,KKDay上看車子大小,約3100-3600銖/車,攤下來滿划算的,不用擔心回程車子叫不到或等很久,省時間
- 記得把自己的球包空間算入,3人3球袋,要選MVP
- 4人4球組以上,要選廂型車
- KKDay上沒有特殊規格包車,如:KKDay若需要特殊規格如8人以上球隊,需要20人/30人/40人座大遊覽車,或是需要中文司機,可找我代訂,歡迎Facebook.
- 如果只有1人可以選擇用Grab叫車(類似台灣的uber),目前球友的經驗是,球場回程都還可以叫得到車,只是球場比較遠,可能車子比較少,回程時車子要等比較久
Q5: 在KKday上訂華欣球場與請你代訂球場有什麼不一樣?
- KKDay上可以馬上選日期,時段下單,不用等我回覆,對您而言較便捷
- 我這裡有簽約的華欣球場數量比較多,能配合訂場的時段也比較多,例如有些KKDay上沒有的球場我有簽約,有些球場有夜球,KKDay上完全沒有夜球選擇,有些假日期間KKDay上沒有開放訂場,我這邊可以;價格上有些球場我有簽到較優惠的價格
方便性/即時性 | 華欣球場數 | 夜球時段/假日訂場 | 價格 | |
KKDay | 系統即時 | 較少 | 無夜場; 假日有時不開放訂 | 比Walk-in 優惠 |
泰亮高球代訂 | 人工回覆 | 較多 | 可代訂夜場/假日場次 | 比Walk-in優惠 |
- 結論是:KKDay上能訂到的就在KKDay上訂即可;若想要的球場或日期/時段沒有,歡迎FB找我詢問
Q6: 華欣高爾夫球場價格區分?
- 高級的華欣球場大約是3-4千銖/人;中級2-3千銖/人;一般來華欣打球,遊客大多打高級的,非常實惠,景色美,草地設備維護棒,服務好
- 平價的1千多銖/人,平價球場大多是泰國當地人打,人很多,打起來很塞車,球場設施及草地維護較沒那麼美
Q7: 有沒有離華欣市區近一點的高爾夫球場?
- 如上面華欣球場分布地圖,球場佔地龐大,市區沒有球場;球場大概都圍繞著市區,單程50分鐘-1小時左右車程,選自己喜歡的球場打就可以了,距離差不了多少
Q8: 華欣球場付款及取消問題:華欣訂高爾夫球場要先付款嗎?若天氣不好華欣高爾夫球的預訂能退費嗎?
- 華欣球場規定Agent優惠代訂都是要先全額付款才會留位置,因此必須先付款
- 泰國球場(含華欣球場)全年都能打
- 泰國11-2月是乾季,不太下雨,是高球旺季,不會有關場地不能打球的問題;
- 即便雨季期間,下雨也是陣雨,急雨後就能繼續打了,所以不會因為天候問題而取消球場營運,也因此無法因天候要求取消退款
Q9: 華欣打高爾夫球:太早起不來、晚一點又怕熱怕曬,什麼時段開球比較適合?
- 華欣到了打球旺季11-3月是滿舒服的(18 – 30℃),不用怕熱,防曬則仍需做好
- 華欣在高爾夫球淡季(4-10月)則早晚溫差大,(22 – 36℃),山區早晚薄外套備用,白天打球還還是會熱,最曬是10am-2pm,因此最好避暑防曬開球時段就是 6-7am開球的早球
- 真的無法早起,次優的建議是:訂中午之後開球比較好 ,自己再帶個傘
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🚆 Bangkok Transportation Tickets and Passes
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【Airport Transfers】泰國機場包車接送|BKK/DMK機場(BKK) – 曼谷市區飯店
【Bangkok Ride-Hailing】Comparing Thai taxis vs. Grab—which is more cost-effective?
【First-Time Visiting Thailand?】Get One-day Bangkok sightseeing passes
【Taking the Train in Bangkok】Experiencing Thailand’s railways—waiting for trains on the tracks!
⚙️Useful Tools for Travelers in Thailand
【Unlimited Internet in Thailand】The most popular eSIM and SIM card options among travelers.
【Luggage Delivery】Luggage Concierge | Same-day delivery from BKK Airport to hotels in Bangkok.
🛏️ Accommodation in Bangkok
【Bangkok Hotels】Recommendations for 20 high-value hotels in Bangkok (including low and high season prices).
😎 About Me
I have been stationed in Thailand for many years (seeAbout me), speak Thai, and serve as your local insider guide. Feel free to join my Facebook Page:LiangYu in Thailand - Eight Years as an Expat in Thailand, Firsthand Insights into Thai Life, where we can share experiences about work, life, travel, and business in Thailand.
☎ Reservation Services for Thai Restaurants, Hotels, and Golf
Most reservations for Thai restaurants, itineraries, and vacation apartments in Thailand require a local Thai bank account for booking. (Popular cafes in Thailand like the Maldives-themed Bubble in the Forest Cafe and many unique accommodations outside major cities, such as those in the Pilok area of Kanchanaburi, often do not have online booking and payment mechanisms.) If you needassistance on booking or order thai goods, please reach out on :Facebook