Recently, I had a client meeting at Topgolf Megacity, Bangkok’s newest premium golf entertainment venue, and I was surprised that many people still don’t know about this trendy hotspot!
Golf & Travel
How to Get Around in Thailand? Taxi vs. Grab – Which One is More Affordable?
When traveling in Thailand, besides public transportation like the BTS Skytrain and buses,
the most common ways to get around are taxis and Grab. Grab, similar to Uber, is very popular and has been legally operating for years.
Daily Life in Thailand: Self-Service Laundry! Are There Many Laundromats in Thailand? How Do You Use Them? Where Can You Find Them?
Before moving to Thailand, I used to shower multiple times a day while traveling there—it’s just that hot and humid! With all the sweating, laundry services are a must. So, how do expats handle laundry in Thailand? If you're staying long-term, this is something you’ll definitely need!
Falling in Love with Golf in Thailand – A Guide to Golf Courses, Bookings & Tours
When I was assigned to work in Thailand, I started playing golf for business reasons—and soon became hooked! It didn’t take long to realize that Thailand is home to some of the most luxurious and world-renowned golf courses. Read more
Top Golf Courses in Pattaya: Reviews & Prices
泰國研擬讓性工作合法化 – 不是佛教國家嗎?怎麼泰國性產業這麼蓬勃?
今天看到一則新聞 [泰國5月大選後擬推動性工作合法化],分享一下長期在泰國看到的觀點
泰國市區交通常見的代步方式 (計程車/嘟嘟車/摩托計程車Motor Taxi/捷運/巴士含Hop Card購買及充值)
Pattaya 芭達雅自行安排精緻一日遊 格蘭島/拖曳傘/成人秀
很多人來到泰國著名的pattaya芭達雅,都會參加旅行社的行程,對於不熟泰國的朋友們,交給專業安排好處是交通移動方便、行程不需自己思考!身為長期外派泰國的我,熟門熟路,還是喜歡自由彈性的泰國旅行,要是突然想懶洋洋躺在芭達雅海邊休息、或是有特別想吃的餐點,就可以自由變更! Read more
泰國搭火車體驗:不在月台而在鐵軌上等火車? | 泰國火車 鐵道旅行